
Catena Company supports brand owners who want to create, manage and communicate their own visual marketing materials.

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26 January 2024

How brand owners are building efficient content management

Geerte Verbraeken
Account Manager bij Catena Company

Brand owners face a shared challenge: managing the overwhelming amount of content and its creation. Tracking and managing this growing volume of content manually is simply unfeasible, while outsourcing it involves high costs and significantly slows down the publishing process.

Our content scan provides an in-depth analysis of the current situation, future goals and proposed solutions for content management and creation. But how exactly does this work?

Maximize your ROI

We explore the potential of automation and the return on investment (ROI) with a focus on time and labor costs. Our ultimate goal is always to achieve an optimal balance between in-house content creation and content outsourcing. We know from experience that this is critical to employee happiness and overall efficiency. It’s a shame to see time spent internally on simple copy-paste work, while creative campaigns are outsourced to external agencies. In addition, we strive to increase the speed of content creation and distribution, a critical goal in this dynamic industry.


Efficiency with a "single source of truth" approach

We also highlight the cost and complexity associated with creating different versions of content for various delivery points. We propose a “single source of truth” approach to increase efficiency and minimize errors. In addition, we address company-specific factors, such as the complexity of the approval process and the cost of approval tools.


Our content scan will not only give insight into what you can take control of, but also what tools and training are needed to make it happen. We look at opportunities in automation that can lead to significant cost savings. And it doesn’t stop there, we also take into account the costs of training and the implementation of new tools to support your team.

Ready to tackle your content management and its challenges more efficiently? Schedule a meeting with Geerte.

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