
Catena Company supports brand owners who want to create, manage and communicate their own visual marketing materials.

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Digital Asset Management

A good Digital Asset Management (DAM) system makes all files available and searchable.

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Digital Data Publishing

With Digital Data Publishing, you accelerate the creation process of your marketing materials and do so efficiently, error-free and scalably.

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Customized Automation

Through customization, middleware solutions can be developed that provide the missing link between different 3rd party systems.

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Omnichannel publishing

Build your story in one place, publish it on a variety of media types. From a central content system publish texts, photos, videos with 1 click of a button to your website and more.
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10 November 2022

Make your archives accessible again

Eddy Smets
Managing Director at Catena Company

He who seeks, does not find (and seeks no further)

Unfortunately, the digital archive had grown so large that nothing could be found. This had two disadvantages. Firstly, all marketing staff knew it was an impossible job to find a relevant article, so they stopped searching. The extensive archive was not utilized. Too bad, because it contained a lot of valuable content that could easily be reused. Secondly, those few frantic attempts to find that one article someone knew existed anyway, were punished with a lot of wasted time. It couldn’t go on like that. But the archive couldn’t just be given up, could it?

Illustratie van man die nadenkt met hand op kin

Using an external application, the PDFs were downloaded via the API, presented to an online OCR service from Adobe and then returned as an additional version in the DAM.

The gigantic archive opened up like Ali Baba’s cave. All the articles were suddenly searchable, a treasure chest for content designers, marketers and storytellers, who now eagerly use the articles from the old box in their marketing communications. The company saves a lot of search time and thus costs, but above all more value is created thanks to the treasure of digital content.

Illustratie van scanner die over krantenartikel gaat

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