
Catena Company supports brand owners who want to create, manage and communicate their own visual marketing materials.

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Digital Asset Management

A good Digital Asset Management (DAM) system makes all files available and searchable.

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Digital Data Publishing

With Digital Data Publishing, you accelerate the creation process of your marketing materials and do so efficiently, error-free and scalably.

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Customized Automation

Through customization, middleware solutions can be developed that provide the missing link between different 3rd party systems.

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Omnichannel publishing

Build your story in one place, publish it on a variety of media types. From a central content system publish texts, photos, videos with 1 click of a button to your website and more.
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7 April 2022

A DAM solution… Good call from Teconex!

Dennis Martens
Account- & Project Manager bij Catena Company


It is a small world and we are connected to numerous people through various networks. This is how the marketing manager at Teconex, came into contact with Dennis Martens, account manager at Catena Company. She knew Catena Company from an earlier collaboration. Dennis clearly explained to her that Catena Company has much more to offer than just the highly appreciated creative training courses.

She was facing the challenge of managing the growing amount of visual materials and had no idea which software was available for Teconex to use. She outlined the need very clearly: a central system to manage images, an image bank into and from which employees inside and outside Teconex could upload and download images, which also had to be multilingual.

An inspiration session with an extensive Q&A was organised. Based on the Qs, Jan Van Sprengel, Workflow Expert at Catena Company, immediately formed a lively picture of what the DAM should look like. The expert As strengthened the marketing manager and her team’s confidence that they were at the table with the right people.

Jan worked out a demo on the DAM platform and demonstrated that this solution would save Teconex a huge amount of time. She immediately approved the project.


The success of a DAM solution lies largely in a good understanding of the needs of its users. These same users must also be actively involved from the start in order for them to embrace the new solution. Catena Company realises this and therefore systematically puts together a project team, which includes users and stakeholders from Teconex and Catena Company specialists, right from the start of the project.

Together, the needs and requirements were comprehensively mapped out and the roadmap for implementation was drawn up. Progress, inputs and feedback were followed up quickly and accurately in a shared project management tool. This short feedback loop proved very valuable during the initial testing phase, when the metadata model and the look and feel, for example, still needed some fine-tuning. By the way, looks do matter! A user interface in line with your brand identity immediately takes users to a familiar environment and promotes user adoption.

The uniform and transparent communication ensured that everyone was always ‘on the same page’. As a result, together we arrived at a DAM tailored to Teconex’ needs in a very short time, which is going to save us a lot of time.
M. S., Marketing Manager Teconex
M. S.
Marketing Manager Teconex
Our sales, marketing and support teams always have up-to-date content now, which is incredibly important for anyone who wants to make quick adjustments.
M. S., Marketing Manager Teconex
M. S.
Marketing Manager Teconex

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