
Catena Company supports brand owners who want to create, manage and communicate their own visual marketing materials.

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Digital Asset Management

A good Digital Asset Management (DAM) system makes all files available and searchable.

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Digital Data Publishing

With Digital Data Publishing, you accelerate the creation process of your marketing materials and do so efficiently, error-free and scalably.

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Customized Automation

Through customization, middleware solutions can be developed that provide the missing link between different 3rd party systems.

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Omnichannel publishing

Build your story in one place, publish it on a variety of media types. From a central content system publish texts, photos, videos with 1 click of a button to your website and more.
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De zoektocht naar een training is niet zo evident. Wij helpen je bij het bepalen van de training die jij nodig hebt. Afhankelijk van je leerdoelen gaan we op zoek naar de perfecte training in verschillende leervormen.


Met een leerdoelenanalyse brengen we aan de hand van enkele tests en interviews enerzijds de ‘Service portfolio’ in kaart, en anderzijds de ‘Team competenties’.

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Kempenlaan 2
B - 2300 Turnhout

+32 (0)14 70 22 12

BE 0884 434 617
